Energy Saving Ventilation System
EXINDA ist eine Tochtergesellschaft der XINDA Group, einem professionellen Hersteller, der 2012 gegründet wurde und seit einem Jahrzehnt im Bereich Heizlösungen verwurzelt ist.
Als einer der führenden Wärmepumpenlieferanten in China ist EXINDA auf grüne, saubere Energie spezialisiert und stellt verschiedene Arten von Luft-Wasser-Wärmepumpen her, darunter Luft-Gleichstrom-Inverter-Wärmepumpen , kommerzielle Luft-Wasser-Wärmepumpen und Schwimmbad-Wärmepumpen .
Mehr wissenHeating & Cooling, Hot Water
Exinda Air To Water Heat Pump
The R290 air source inverter heat pump is a highly efficient and eco-friendly solution for hydronic radiant floor systems. With an operating range of -25°C to 43°C and a COP typically between 4.0 to 5.0. It is ideal for residential heating and cooling, as well as providing hot water at up to 55°C.
Exinda ATW inverter heat pump approved with Keymark,ERP,AHRI,CE,UL standard. We are ready to launch energy saving hydro system to the world.
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Faster, Stronger, Easier
Exinda Ice Bath Chiller
The ice bath chiller cools the water down to 36F (2℃) about few hours, with 3-stage filtration systems keeping water clean. It is easy to move around with wheels and handles, just simply plug in and then enjoy your cold plunge any time.
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Quiet, Energy Efficiency
Pool Heat Pump
The Exinda inverter pool heat pumps deliver highest performance of COP up to 15, ensuring a quiet and cost-effective way to maintain the perfect water temperature for Above-Ground Pools and Spas, In-Ground Pools at all seasons.
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Production Capability
Exinda build new factory cover with 60,000 ㎡ to enlarge production capability from 2023. Currently we have 700+ employees, with total 12 products lines covers product range including air exchangers, air to water heat pump, pool heat pump, commercial heat pump and ice bath water chillers. Our total revenue is 68.8 millions USD.

Our Testing
All Exinda products are 100% quality control with 7 major steps testing at production line. Processing of nitrogen leak check, vacuum, refrigerant leak detection, ultrasonic sealing, halogen detection, safety testing, entropy check, each heat pump connect to the water and simulate in different kind working condition. Proud to said Exinda made quality realibale products.

R&D Verifying
Exinda is SGS approved QTL qualified lab, Total in 5 labs cover testing standards included :EN 14511-1~4 /EN 14825 /EN12102 / EN 16147 / AHRI 550/590, CSA 439-18 & UL-60335-2-40. Our Enthalpy Difference Laboratory could heat up temperature to 60°C/140°F and cold down to -40°C/-40°F. The vertify and testing alibility helps us provide customzied solution easily
Recent news
Meet Exinda products at AHR & IBS show
Meet with EXINDA inverter heat pump & Ventilator at AHR # 6193 date 10-12th Orlando and IBS #SU2045 date 25-27th Lasvegas

IBS builders show
The international builders show for building materials. Welcome to meet with Exinda team at booth SU2045 at IBS. Looking to meet with you soon.

The largest HVAC-R products trade show at US. Book a schedule to meet with EXINDA team at booth 6193. See you there !
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